Imports from India which may be paid for in convertible foreign currency
- All industrial chemicals (except chemical used for making medicine for mankind) HS 28.
- Carbon black HS 28.03.
- Palm stearin DFA and palm kernel DFA HS 3823.19.
- Natural rubber HS 40.01.
- Synthetic rubber HS 40.02.
- Silk yarn HS 50.04 and 50.05.
- Woollen yam (except hosiery yarn) HS 51.06, 51.07 and 51.08
- Cotton HS 52.01.
- Polyester partially oriented yarn (POY) HS 5402.42.
- Manmade artificial fibre HS Chapter 55, 55.01 to 55.07(excluding 55.05).
- Polyester fibre HS 5503.20.
- Viscose rayon (fibre) HS 5504.10.00.
- Tyre cord fabric HS 59.02.
- Sponge iron HS 7203.90.
- Mild steel scrap HS 7204.49.
- Iron (ingot) HS 72.06.
- Mild steel billets HS 72.07.
- Hot rolled sheet in coil HS 7208.27, 7208.36, 7208.37, 7208.38, 7208.39,7208.51 & 7208.52.
- Cold rolled sheet in Coil HS 7209.15, 7209.16, 7209.17 & 7209.18.
- Tin plate HS 7210.12.
- Mild steel wire rod in coil HS 7213.91.10.
- Bead wire (copper coated) HS 7217.20, HS 7217.30 and 7217.90.
- Steel bloom HS 7218.99.
- Steel plate HS 72.19.
- Aluminum ingot billet HS 76.01.
- Aluminum rod in coil HS 76.04 and 76.05
- All machinery, equipment (except spare parts) HS Chapter 84.
- Electric motor, generating set HS 85.01 and 85.02.
- Fabrics for use as raw materials by the readymade garments industries up to 50 percent of their export earnings.*
Note: * The import of fabrics from India under hard currency payment system was allowed only from 2051.1.1 (Mid-April 1994). Then, such imports were permitted up to 30% of export earnings.
List of prohibited, restricted and freely tradable exports and imports
A. Products prohibited for export:
A.1 Articles of Archeological and Religious Importance;
A.1.1 National and Foreign coins Of Archeological value,
A.1.2 Idols of god and goddesses, palm leave inscription (Tad Patra), plant leave inscription (Bhoj Patra),
A.1.3 Scroll (Thanka Paintings) of historical importance.
A.2 Conserve Wildlife and Related Articles;
A.2.1 Wild animals,
A.2.2 Bile and any part of wild animals,
A.2.3 Musk,
A.2,4 Snake skin, lizard skin,
A.2.5 Cow and ox.
A.3 Drugs:
Marijuana, opium, hashish (as defined in the Single Convention on Narcotics 1961).
A.4 Valuable Metals;
Valuable metals including Gold, Silver (except ornaments) and Jewelleries (except those allowed under Bag and Baggage Rules).
A.5 Articles of Industrial Importance;
A.5.1 Explosive materials and related fuse or materials needed for fuse,
A.5.2 Materials used in the production of arms and ammunition.
A.6 Industrial Raw Materials;
A.6.1 Raw hides and skin (including dry salted),
A.6.2 Raw wool,
A.6.3 All imported raw materials, parts and capital goods,
A.6.4 Raw Silk (export import permitted only up to 100 kg without L/C).
However, import of similar materials is permitted as replacement if the purpose of the import is not met. And, if the materials are not consumed in Nepal and are required to be send back, against repatriation of foreign exchange paid for imports, customs duties and other taxes incurred for import and export may be refunded.
A.7 Other Products;
A.7.1 Mamira,
A.7.2 Log and timber.
A.8 Exports to India;
All goods imported from countries other than India ((except those allowed under Bag and Baggage Rules)
B. Products under Quantitative Restrictions:
Products as notified by His Majesty's Government in the Nepal Gazette from time to time;
1. Rice.
C. Products allowed for Free Exports:
All products other than banned ones and which are under quantitative restrictions.
Notes: 1. The Ministry of Commerce will decide from time to time the goods to be included under the category of quantitative restrictions and volume of their exports.
Notes: 2. The Ministry of Commerce will interpret as to which of the products listed above will be permitted to export.
A. Products prohibited for Import:
A.1 Products injurious to health;
A.1.1 Narcotic drugs like opium and morphine,
A.1.2 Liquor containing more than 60 percent alcohol (except for use as industrial raw materials).
A.2 Arms and ammunition, and explosives (except under import licence
of His Majesty's Government;
A.2.1 Materials used in the production of arms and ammunition,
A.2.2 Gun and cartridges,
A.2.3 Capes without paper,
A.2.4 Arms and ammunition, other explosives.
A.3 Communication equipment;
Wireless, walkie-talkie and similar other audio communication equipment (except under import licence of His Majesty's Government).
A.4 Valuable Metals;
Valuable metals (including Gold, Silver) and Jewelleries (except those allowed under Bag and Baggage Rules).
B. Licence required for imports from overseas:
B.1 Products under quantitative restriction by His Majesty's Government
for imports;
B.1.1 Products included under the Bidding from time to time (except one item each of goods allowed for individual purpose without licence),
B.1.2 Products to be imported in excess of the fixed quantity notified as allowable imports for individual purpose;
B.1.2.1 Poppy seeds.
C. Products allowed for importation from overseas without import
licence and L/C (except those products, which are listed under
Bidding and Prohibition):
C.1 Products imported under agreement by the Office Corporation of His Majesty's Government, Social Institution or Authority or Project on the recommendation of the concerned Ministry,
C.2 Necessary emergency medicine send as gift by an individual or Institution to a seriously ill patient residing in Nepal,
C.3 Printed materials such as poster, calendar etc. brought for publicity,
C.4 Products notified as free from customs duty and sales tax -by His Majesty's Government, Ministry of Finance,
C.5 Products of a value up to US $ 100 received as gift or prize while participating in a meeting, conference in an invitation of the foreign Government or International Institution,
C.6 Products donated or gifted to Nepalese institution/association with the permission of the concerned Ministry by a friendly country or International/Regional Association, Institution, Social Organization or Individual,
C.7 Products imported for personal use by a foreigner employed under an agreement in Project and Joint Venture Project in Nepal on the recommendation of the concerned Ministry,
C.8 Advertisement, label, sticker and sample materials bearing the logo of a Company or Firm up to a value of US $ 100,
C.9 Office related products up to a value of US $ 100 send by the Head Office of Foreign Company, Joint Venture Company or Foreign Airlines to their Nepal based Representative office. Branch office or General Sales Agent (G. S. A.),
C.10 Goods notified under Bag and Baggage Rules, and gold, silver upto the fixed quantity.
D.With the exception of the cases as explained above, the Ministry of Commerce will, on the recommendation of the concerned Ministry, decide on merit basis, for products donated to any institution not for business purpose but as gifts.
E. Unless otherwise mentioned in this Notification, import is not allowed without approval of His Majesty's Government without opening a letter of credit or an import licence.
Note: This is an unofficial translation of the Nepal Gazette Part 3, Section 42 and Number 33 dated 2049.8.15 (Nov/Dec 1992) and incorporates changes to date.